Two-Sentence Horror Story Entries 2022

Thank you to everyone who submitted a two-sentence horror story this year!
We received 26 entries. Check ‘em out here:

  • “As the pain subsided, it was proportionately replaced by a building sense of undefined dread. Until finally, in the silent blackness, he realized his new horror: they had killed him, and yet somehow he was fully aware of that fact.”

  • “Bill thought the crawling of hundreds of tiny legs over his body and tangling in his hair was the worst part of the hiding place he’d found. But, then, he felt wriggling beneath his skin.”

  • “I was finishing a horror story, so I wrote ‘The End.’ Then, my keyboard typed ‘is coming’ completely by itself.”

  • “The books came back in the book drop. Not only were they overdue, they were STICKY.”

  • “Alice sighed — another sleep paralysis dream, another shadowy stranger standing over her with a dripping bloody knife. But, then, she realized the bed beneath her was wet and sticky, her eyes were open, and she could move, seconds before the knife plunged into her body again.”

  • “A patron walks in and says, ‘I’m here to pick up my hold.’ You turn around to the holds shelf, it’s bare.”

  • “Imagine Biden is President. Gas and food are triple the price.”

  • “It was a dark stormy night and Jane looked out her window and she saw this thing standing in the dark. She didn’t move because right after she saw it she died.”

  • “Once there was a little girl who got hit by a serial killer and came back as a ghost and killed him”

  • “Mr. P played his guitar in the cold moonlight. When he saw the vampire, he played a scary tune and he went back underground.”

  • “He fell asleep and dreamed of all of the candy he would eat on Halloween. He woke up and his lips were sealed shut.”

  • “She looked so peaceful sleeping on the river bank. Until, he looked closer and saw the reeds that surrounded her grew from her skin.”

  • “She was watching her favorite horror movie and munching on a bag of chips. Pulling out a handful, she noticed a severed fingertip in her palm.”

  • “The lilting sound on the cold winter wind was likely only the breeze rattling the branches. So why did it sound like her grandmother’s voice calling her out into the snow?

  • “The alien ship landed on the roof of his neighbor’s house. He saw all of his neighbors floating up into the alien ship, and it was gone!”

  • “He jumped from his bed and the alien space ship sucked him out of his window.”

  • “Jonathan crept through the darkness, darting from street light to street light, his eyes never straying from his shadow. The next time it jumped without him, he would see it.”

  • “When I checked my phone to see who was calling me at 3 a.m., the name that was displayed was that of my dead wife. With trembling hands I answered, and I heard her voice say to me with a sinister laugh, ‘This is my revenge for all the times you woke me up with your snoring.’”

  • “She awoke to wailing screams piercing her ears as she dragged her lifeless body out of bed. In the dark of night she made her way to the kitchen where she saw, to her horror, all of the baby bottles were dirty.”

  • “It was midnight on a very dark new moon night as a noise wakened the deeply sleeping ten year old boy from his slumber, causing him to rise with curiosity up out of his bed, pad across the bedroom to open the door to the hallway, and peer down toward the staircase. He impatiently brushed the hair out of his eyes with one hand as he groped for the hallway light switch with the other, stepping out as he fumbled for the switch he suddenly knew the genesis for the sound that has awakened him as his foot pressed down in warm cat vomit that oozed up between his toes.”

  • “The frightening looking pumpkin, carved to look truly evil, seemed to shoot daggers at those who stopped to gaze at him. As a crowd of people wandered past, they all felt a stabbing sensation in their backsides as the creepy jack-o-lantern smiled his eerie grin.”

  • “‘They say Hell is other people,’ I think to myself as I look out over the desolate wastes. ‘But after 10,000 years I just wish I had someone to talk to.’”

  • “Fall is in the air, we are tired, our souls are withering to bones. We think we are kind, but we are subconsciously getting crueler and crueler — THAT is scary.”

  • “The devil, darkness, and death are lurking beyond my doorstep. Do I dare step into the beyond?”

  • “Crimson pools of red are all that lie on the white tiles of her subconscious, waiting to be seen, to be heard. But ignorance is the factor and very few will live to see the day they truly understand her.”

  • “The street lights flickered out and the only sound to be heard was her frantic heartbeat as she finally reached her car. She shakily grabbed her keys and was about to open the door when the smell of rotting flesh met her nose and she felt a sickly hot breath on the back of her neck.”


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