Young Adults

Welcome! The Young Adult section houses materials and resources for patrons in grades 6 to 12, or roughly ages 12 to 18. While everyone is welcome to browse and borrow materials from the Young Adult collection, seating is reserved for the use of young adults. Located on the main floor of the library, the Young Adult area has a great collection of fiction, non-fiction, Manga, graphic novels, and books on CD! Check out some of our online resources below. We look forward to seeing you soon!

With ComicsPlus®, you have unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga! The collection includes popular and award-winning titles for every age range and interest! Every title is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for offline reading -- no waiting on holds lists, no wasting data! Comics are also available in the LibraryPass app from the App Store or Google Play. All you have to do is sign in with your Barre library card number!
View the video below to learn more about the platform or click the image to the right to start reading!
Your Youth Services Team:
Youth Services Librarian: Kayla Phillips, (978) 355-2533 x104,
Assistant Youth Services Librarian: Kate Murray, (978) 355-2533 x104,